Intrinsic test of independence in contingency tables |
Casella, George
; Moreno, ElÃas
28 maig 2008 |
Intrinsic test of independence in contingency tables |
Casella, George
; Moreno, ElÃas
16 octubre 2003 |
Kriging coordinates: what does that mean? |
Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
Kriging coordinates: what does that mean? |
Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
; Pawlowsky Glahn, Vera
A Log-linear model of grain size influence on the geochemistry of sediments |
Eynatten, Hilmar von
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
28 maig 2008 |
A Log-linear model of grain size influence on the geochemistry of sediments |
Eynatten, Hilmar von
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
16 octubre 2003 |
Major-elements trends in cenozoic volcanites of Hungary |
MartÃn Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Barceló i Vidal, Carles
; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
; Kovács, L.Ó.
; Kovács, G.P.
Major-elements trends in cenozoic volcanites of Hungary |
MartÃn Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Barceló i Vidal, Carles
; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
; Kovács, L.Ó.
; Kovács, G.P.
15 octubre 2003 |
Markov chain montecarlo method applied to rounding zeros of compositional data: first approach |
MartÃn Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
; Gómez GarcÃa, Juan
Markov chain montecarlo method applied to rounding zeros of compositional data: first approach |
MartÃn Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
; Gómez GarcÃa, Juan
2002 |
Matemà tiques bà siques (2a edició) |
MartÃn Verdejo, Francisco
; Vilarrubà Costa, Jordi
octubre 2005 |
Meaning of the λ parameter of skew–normal and log–skew normal distributions in fluid geochemistry |
Buccianti, Antonella
Meaning of the λ parameter of skew–normal and log–skew normal distributions in fluid geochemistry |
Buccianti, Antonella
12 maig 2011 |
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
1 juny 2018 |
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
5 juny 2018 |
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
Mixing compositions and other scales |
Boogaart, K. Gerald van den
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
30 maig 2008 |
Mixing compositions and other scales |
Boogaart, K. Gerald van den
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
11 maig 2011 |
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
1 juny 2018 |
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
5 juny 2018 |
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando